The Spy Who Fed Me: "Black Bag," reviewed.
Chris Klimek
Black Bag boasts a killer cast of trained killers.
My City Paper review of Black Bag, the second David Koepp-Steven Soderbergh collaboration this young year, is here. Good movie!
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Filtering by Tag: Steven Soderbergh
Black Bag boasts a killer cast of trained killers.
My City Paper review of Black Bag, the second David Koepp-Steven Soderbergh collaboration this young year, is here. Good movie!
Channing Tatum and Salma Hayek Pinault are just a pair of middle-aged folks getting to know one another.
Magic Mike’s Last Dance is the Ocean’s 13 of Magic Mike flicks. My Washington City Paper review of the new three-quel is here.
Workaholic artist Steven Soderbergh on the set of Logan Lucky. (Bleecker St.)
I dropped by NPR HQ to talk about Steven Soderbergh's return to features, Logan Lucky, with screenwriter and author Danielle Henderson and regular Pop Culture Happy Hour panelists Linda Holmes and Glen Weldon. When we recorded this discussion, I'd taken the opportunity to see the movie a second time after filing my review, and my opinion on it had evolved a little. Anyway, you can find the episode here.
I wish I could put my finger on why it read to me as condescending in a Coenesque way the first time but not the second. I love the films of Joel and Ethan Coen. But the ones Logan Lucky most recalled for me, Raising Arizona and Fargo, are not among my favorites.
Channing Tatum, Riley Keough, and Adam Driver as the luck-starved Logan clan.
Logan Lucky, Steven Soderbergh’s return to features after a four-year “retirement” in prestige TV, is a lot of fun, though I’m not as high on it as some. I have the same reservations about it that I do about the Coen Brothers films it most readily recalls. Anyway, here’s my review.