The Spy Who Fed Me: "Black Bag," reviewed.
Chris Klimek
Black Bag boasts a killer cast of trained killers.
My City Paper review of Black Bag, the second David Koepp-Steven Soderbergh collaboration this young year, is here. Good movie!
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Filtering by Tag: Cate Blanchett
Black Bag boasts a killer cast of trained killers.
My City Paper review of Black Bag, the second David Koepp-Steven Soderbergh collaboration this young year, is here. Good movie!
It's way more fun than this photo would suggest. (Disney/Marvel)
Thor: Ragnarok is the best Thor movie by an Asgardian mile, but don't let that backhanded compliment keep you away. With dual villains played by Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldblum plus a Mark Mothersbaugh score, it's a stealth The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou reunion. Lo, here's my NPR review.