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Filtering by Tag: Washington City Paper

Anthony Mackie, Agent of Shield: "Captain America: Brave New World," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

No cherry blossom trees were harmed in the production of this major motion picture (Disney)

My apologies to Shira Haas and to Tim Blake Nelson, both of whom were cut for space my Washington City Paper review of the extremely busy, half-successful Captain America: Brave New World.

Bigger, Longer, and Uncut: "Gladiator II," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Pedro Pascal and Paul Mescal get down to it. (Paramount)

“Gladiator was the one where Ridley Scott revived the sword-and-sandals genre that had been dormant for decades while also managing to suggest that our addiction to spectacle—one he himself had then been nurturing for 20 years—might not be altogether healthy, for individuals or democracies. 

“Gladiator II is the one where he throws in a CGI shark. “

My Washington City Paper of the unlikely 24.5-years-later sequel is here.

Ripley's Eleven: "Alien: Romulus," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

When you're smiling, the whole world smiles at you. (20th Century Studios)

My Washington CIty Paper review of Alien: Romulus, the 45-year-old franchise’s first legasequel, is here. Lest anyone fear I have not had enough to say about these slimy, sweaty movies that I so love, even when they’re bad. Which this new one is not!