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Filtering by Tag: Women's Voices Theater Festival

Enhanced Interrogation: 4,380 Nights, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Ahmad Kamal and Rex Daugherty (C Stanley Photography)

Ahmad Kamal and Rex Daugherty (C Stanley Photography)

Annalisa Dias's world premiere Gitmo detainee drama 4,380 Nights is a strong offering in the Womens' Voices Theatre Festival. My review is in this week's Washington City Paper.

Dry Goods: Hamlet and Sovereignty, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

I wish I could muster more enthusiasm for Michael Kahn's final Hamlet, starring Michael Urie, or for Sovereignty, an Arena Stage World Premiere entry in the Women's Voices Theater Festival written by Mary Kathryn Nagle, who knows whereof she speaks but not how to make it sing. Those reviews are in this week's Washington City Paper.

Personal Is Geopolitical: Chimerica and Women Laughing Alone with Salad, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

My review of the U.S. debut of Lucy Kirkwood's sprawling, ambitious drama Chimerica at the Studio Theatre is in today's Washington City Paper. Also reviewedWomen Laughing Alone with Salad, a surreal feminist comedy from Sheila Callaghan making its world premiere at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company. For those keeping score, that's one great play by a woman that's not officially part of the Women's Voices Theatre Festival, and one pretty good play that is. Read those pieces here, or pick up a dead-tree WCP, available wherever finer alt-weeklies are given away gratis — and you don't even need to have an Amazon Prime subscription!

Each of these shows contain very specific plot and/or production elements I expect their playwrights and directors would prefer for audiences to discover for themselves, but if you abhor surprises and would like to have these things spoiled for you, by all means, go find their Washington Post reviews instead.