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Filtering by Category: theatre

The Resilience of Laughter: "Dance Like There's Black People Watching," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Jillian Ebanks, Breon Arzell, Max Thomas, Tamieka Chavis, and Arlietta Hall. (Teresa Castracane)

The Second City’s first show at Woolly Mammoth, Barack Stars, from those heady first months of the Obama Administration, was the subject of one of my first reviews for the Washington City Paper. My Washington Post review of their latest, offered in more dire times, is here.

The Conscience of a Coder: "Data," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Isabel Van Natta and Karan Brar in the tech thriller Data. (T. Charles Erickson Photography)

Imagine, if your capacity for speculative, blue-sky doomsday pessimism can possibly conceive of such a scenario, the union of a morally flexible tech oligarch and a U.S. government hostile to immigration and intolerant of dissent.

My Washington Post review of Data, playwright Matthew Libby’s world-premiere thriller at Arena Stage, is here.

R & J, IRL: Folger's "Romeo and Juliet," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Cole Taylor and Caro Reyes Rivera as those star-cross’d young lovers. (Erika Nizborski)

You know that game where you try to think of old movies or plays where the introduction of cell phones would spoil the plot? Romeo and Juliet has always seemed like an obvious one, but Raymond O. Caldwell, director of the Folger’s season-opening update of the tragedy, begs to differ. My Washington Post review is here.

The Centrists Cannot Hold: "Mister Lincoln" and "Eisenhower: This Piece of Ground," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Tony Award winner John Rubinstein in Eisenhower: This Piece of Ground. (Maria Baranova)

My joint review of Ford’s Scott Bakula-starring production of Mister Lincoln, and of Olney’s show about the president elected four score and seven years after his assassination, Eisenhower: This Piece of Ground, is up at the Paper of Record.

Just Say Nay: "Cracking Zeus," reviewed

Chris Klimek

Nicole Ruthmarie and Charles Franklin IV in Spooky Action’s Cracking Zeus. (DJ Corey Photography)

Greek myth and anti-drug messaging collide in Cracking Zeus, a new(ish) play by Christopher T. Hampton that has some intriguing ideas but doesn’t fully cohere in Spooky Action’s production despite several strong perfomrances. My Washington Post review is here.