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College Try: Theater J's The Hampton Years, reviewed

Chris Klimek

Crashonda Edwards & Julian Michael Martinez play real-life artists Samella Lewis & John Biggers.

Crashonda Edwards & Julian Michael Martinez play real-life artists Samella Lewis & John Biggers.

This week's City Paper theater column was supposed to include reviews of Theater J's new The Hampton Years and American Century Theater's revived Biography. The Sunday matinee of Biography I attended was cancelled due to a power failure 30 minutes into the show, and there wasn't another performance scheduled before my Monday-evening deadline, regrettably.

So I ended up with a few more hundred words of real estate in which to unpack what I consider be the very earnest and honorable Hampton Years' very earnest and honorable shortcomings. And also the rather less honorable shortcoming of my published review, wherein I reported that the artist Elizabeth Catlett, a character in The Hampton Years, is still alive. In fact, Ms. Catlett died last year. I apologize for my stupid, sloppy error.