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Jaws 3-D: Roland Emmerich's "Midway," reviewed.

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Jaws 3-D: Roland Emmerich's "Midway," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Aaron Eckhart wins the jaw-hypertrophy trophy as WWII flying ace Jimmy Doolittle in Midway. (Alan Markfield)

Aaron Eckhart wins the jaw-hypertrophy trophy as WWII flying ace Jimmy Doolittle in Midway. (Alan Markfield)

Just in time for Veterans Day, disaster artist Roland Emmerich has made a bid to improve upon 1976's Technicolor / Sensurround-sound sensation Midway with a more historically-focused (but also more heavily-animated) dramatization of the three-day battle that turned the tide of the war in the Pacific. My NPR review of the movie is here.