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Best in Show: Round House's "Topdog / Underdog," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Ro Boddie and Yao Dogbe as Lincoln and Booth. (Margot Schulman)

My review of Round House’s Topdog/Underdog, a sublime production of the 2001 psychodrama that made Suzan-Lori Parks the first Black woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for drama, is up at the Washington Post. A couple of months back I had a day where I went directly from interviewing Ms. Parks for this Smithsonian piece into a Pop Culture Happy Hour recording session wherein we discussed Doug Liman’s Jake Gyllenhaal-headlined remake of Road House. Like Dalton, Road House ‘89’s inexplicably famous “cooler,” I contain multitudes.

Burning Chrome: "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Drive-By Truckers: Tom Burke and Anya Taylor-Joy in Furiosa. (Warner Bros. / Jasin Boland)

Picaresque in form and Biblical in its savagery, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is the first entry in the five-film Max-iad that unfolds over years instead of days. A revenge flick about the futility of revenge, it sticks the landing, and then binds itself too tightly to that movie we all loved 9 (!) years ago in its closing moments. But it’s still a marvel.

My full Washington City Paper review is here.

"Dark Matter," recapped.

Chris Klimek

Joel Edgerton plays a physicist menaced by an alternate version of himself.

Dark Matter, the new multiversal thriller on Apple TV+, is adapted by showrunner Blake Crouch from his own 2016 novel, but it was the show’s superficial similarities to The Prisoner that piqued my interest. I detailed the ways that seminal British spy-fi series influenced this new American one in the first of my Dark Matter recaps for Vulture.

Folie a trois: "Challengers," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Zendaya, producer/star of Challengers, surveys her domain. (MGM/Amazon)

I saw Challengers a few weeks before I filed my mixed-positive Washington City Paper review, which is less than ideal but occasionally unavoidable. Candidly, I expect my estimation of the movie will rise when I see it again. It’s possible I was too triggered by the mid-movie knee trauma to give its second half my full concentration.

"Macbeth," in Fiennes form

Chris Klimek

Ralph Fiennes and Indira Varma as M and Lady M. (Marc Brenner)

Hype Check: There’s nothing about the Ralph Fiennes-anchored, “found” spaces Macbeth that couldn’t have happened on on the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s home court on F St. NW but it’s still a great opportunity to see 007’s boss M (!) offer a more comic take on a part 007 played only two years ago, as I aver in yer now-paperless Washington City Paper.

I have no memory of seeing this prior, contemporary-warzone-set STC Macbeth — 2017 was about 25 years ago — but evidently I didn’t like it.