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Pop Culture Happy Hour: "Asteroid City" and What's Making Us Happy

Chris Klimek

Jason Schwartzman and Tom Hanks in Wes Anderson’s latest. (Pop. 87 Productions/Focus Features)

Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City is one of my favorite films of the almost-half-concluded year, an entirely predictable result given his track record with me. I was chuffed to discuss it with Pal-For-Life Glen Weldon and The Indicator host Wailin Wong.

"The Flash": You Will Believe a Man Can McFly

Chris Klimek

Ezra Miller and Sasha Calle in The Flash. (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics)

Before Guardians of the Galaxy auteur James Gunn comes in to start the whole DC Comics movie project over again, they’ve one movie left in the can, and it’s The Flash. Specific is multiversal, the saying goes. My Washington City Paper review is here.

More Power, More Responsibility, More Everything: "Spider Man: Across the Spider-Verse," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Spider-confederates Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy share a quiet moment in Across the Spider-Verse. (Sony)

My Washington City Paper review of the lovely new animated sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is here.

Aaaaaaaand 2018 All Things Considered feature with a number of the creative people inovlved with Into the Spider Verse — comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis, screenwriters/producers Phil Lord & Chris Miller, and directors Peter Ramsay & Rodney Rothman — is still here.