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Egg McGuffin, or the Xenomorph-or-Egg Paradox

Chris Klimek

The 1991-2 production of Alien 3 was by all accounts more of a slog than this photo of Sigourney Weaver and her tall, dark plus-one would suggest.

Here’s a Smithsonian piece wherein I put my lifelong independent study of xenobiology to good use by documenting curator Ryan Lintelman’s quest to sleuth out exactly which ALIEN flick the big prop egg in the Smithsonian Museum of American History. It’s not the first time I’ve recounted the tortured history of of Alien 3, a less imaginative exponent of the visual and thematic ideas that had made the first two pictures in the slime-dripping series so widely admired.

Trigger Warning: "John Wick: Chapter 4," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Keanu Reeves and Donnie Yuen in John Wick: Chapter 4 (Lionsgate).

John Wick: Chapter 4 looks great, goes on forever, and ends with dudes facing off with archaic single-shot dueling pistols at dawn. It's Barry Lyndon: Chapter 2 — Parabellum, basically. 169 minutes. More is less... says the guy who saw Avatar: The Way of Water more than once.

My Washington City Paper review is here.

POP CULTURE HAPPY HOUR: "Creed III" and What's Making Us Happy

Chris Klimek

Director/star Michael B. Jordan confers with Jonathan Majors on the set of Creed III. (Eli Ade/MGM)

I was glad to join Aisha Harris and Shamira Ibrahim — and to reunite with Gene Demby from the Creed II episode of PCHH back in 2018 — for this hard-hitting dissection of the disappointing-to-me Creed III.

My review of the film is here, and the Smithsonian piece I plugged in the Happy segment is here.

POP CULTURE HAPPY HOUR: "Plane" and What's Making Us Happy

Chris Klimek

Gerry B. and Mikey C. get serious in Plane, a movie.

I heard that if you go to see Plane on Broadway, stars Gerard “Leonidas, King of Sparta” Butler and Mike “Luke Cage, Hero For Hire” Colter trade roles every night.

Pals Linda Holmes, Ronald Young, Jr. and I had a sublimely fun conversation about this somewhat fun passengers-in-trouble flick.