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Pop Culture Happy Hour: Alien: Covenant and Veep

Chris Klimek

My pal-for-life Glen Weldon is Down Under this week—like Quigley, like Jackman, like Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee—but I was glad to be part of a reduced Pop Culture Happy Hour panel along with host Linda Holmes and regular Stephen Thompson to dissect the messy but fascinating prequel-sequel Alien: Covenant and to marvel at how the political satire Veep has stayed so strong for six seasons. At the end of the episode, I give a little love to little-loved—by me, anyway—replacement 007 Sir Roger Moore, who passed away this week at the age of 89. You can hear the full episode here or embedded below.

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Yo-Ho, Ho-Hum: Pirates of the Caribbean — Dead Men Tell No Tales, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Johnny Depp doesn't exactly strain himself in Pirates 5, not that we'd want that. (Disney)

Johnny Depp doesn't exactly strain himself in Pirates 5, not that we'd want that. (Disney)

Sitting down to review the new Pirates of the Caribbean, I knew for a fact that I'd seen all four of the prior movies but I couldn't remember a thing about any of them, except that one had Keith Richards in it for a minute. I expect I'll forget this one, too, though I wouldn't be averse to catching it on a double or triple-bill on a nice summer night at the Bengies Drive-In.

Of Most Rare Note

Chris Klimek


Can a working actor get famous in one of Shakespeare's least-famous plays? In this week's Washington City Paper, available wherever finer alt-weeklies are given away gratis, I profile the hardworking and versatile titan of stage and stage Mr. Ian Merrill Peakes. He's currently appearing in the Folger Theatre's Timon of Athens, the "Hey Bulldog" of the Shakespearean canon.

Taking Trump Literally: Building the Wall, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Tracey Conyer Lee and Eric Messner. (Teresa Castracane/Forum Theatre)

Tracey Conyer Lee and Eric Messner. (Teresa Castracane/Forum Theatre)

Robert Schenkkahn's Building the Wall, a terrifyingly plausible future-history of the Trump Administration that Forum Theatre has scrambled to shoehorn into their season, is a cry of warning that requires little suspension of disbelief.

I saw the show at Arena Stage last week in the first part of its bifurcated, two-venue run. It's at Forum's Silver Spring performance space May 18-17. Go. My review is in this week's Washington City Paper, along with one of The Shakespeare Theatre's Company's more-is-less Macbeth.

A Split Decision for Chuck

Chris Klimek

Liev Schreiber and Ron Perlman in Philippe Falardeau's Chuck Wepner biopic. (Sarah Shatz/IFC)

Liev Schreiber and Ron Perlman in Philippe Falardeau's Chuck Wepner biopic. (Sarah Shatz/IFC)

Here's my NPR review of Chuck, a biopic about Chuck Wepner, the self-sabotaging New Jersey boxer who inspired Sylvester Stallone to write Rocky.  It ain't bad, but I wanted to love it. Anyway, Rocky already has a wonderful latter-day lega-sequel.

Tinker, Swinger, Playwright, Spy: Or, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Erin Weaver and Holly Twyford (Grace Toulotte)

Erin Weaver and Holly Twyford (Grace Toulotte)

Given that Aaron Posner's 2009 production of Tom Stoppard's Arcadia at the Folger Theatre, starring Holly Twyford and Erin Weaver (and Cody Nickell and Eric Hissom) remains one of my favorite theatrical experiences, it's a cinch I'd be susceptible to Posner's reteaming with Twyford and Weaver in Or, Liz Duffy Adams' erudite farce about seminal British playwright Aphra Behn. Here's my Washington City Paper review.