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Hat's all, Folks: Live By Night, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Elle Fanning and Ben Affleck face off. (Claire Folger/Warner Bros.)

Elle Fanning and Ben Affleck face off. (Claire Folger/Warner Bros.)

My NPR review of Live By Night, writer/producer/director/star Ben Affleck's second adaptation of a Dennis Lehane novel, is here. It aspires to be a sweeping period gangster film in the tradition of The Godfather, Once Upon a Time in America, Miller's Crossing, and so many others, but it tries to bite off too much of Lehane's book to really resonate. It's the weakest of the four films Affleck has directed. Too bad.

Lost in Space: Passengers, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence in Passengers, a miscast and misbegotten fairy tale in space.

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence in Passengers, a miscast and misbegotten fairy tale in space.

I had hopes for Passengers, from Prometheus writer Jon Spaihts and The Imitation Game director Morten Tyldum, because I root for science fiction films in general and because I've just edited a story for Air & Space/Smithsonian about research into human hibernation for long-term spaceflights, which is key to the premise of this movie. But its billion-dollar ideas are undermined by its five-cent guts, as I aver in my NPR review. Bummer.

We'll Always Have Casablanca: Allied, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard as glamorous spies in Allied. (Paramount)

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard as glamorous spies in Allied. (Paramount)

Here's my review of Robert Zemeckis' high-tech-but-old-fashioned WWII espionage thriller Allied. It's meant to evoke a genre that includes great films like Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious or Carol Reed's The Third Man. Or lesser Graham Greene works, like this one.